Meetings are held from September to May at Mead Hall, East Lane, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8BP from 8pm to 10pm. Please park in the public car park in East Lane which is free. Come and meet other members and enjoy our varied programme of talks. Tea, coffee and biscuits are available at each meeting. You may also join the Group at any of these meetings.
No meeting tonight because it is too soon after the New Year celebrations. Tonight some of our members will be talking about Badger rescue equipment. If you ever wondered how we get an injured badger to a wildlife hospital, come and find out. Our patron Michael Clark will now be giving his talk at our May meeting. Tonight we have a talk from the Police Rural Operations Support Team: these are the people we talk to when there is a problem with blocked setts or other sett interference. Come along to hear our annual reports and plans for the next year. Several committee members have left the area so we need volunteers for several roles such as taking our sales goods to our summer stalls, or writing a regular newsletter for our members. Our patron Michael Clark will be giving a talk. Our first meeting this autumn is a general natter about badgers. If you are a newish member this would be a good meeting to come to. This will be a pre-Christmas social and possibly a quiz. We will supply some mince pies and mulled wine.