Meetings are held from September to May at Mead Hall, East Lane, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8BP from 8pm to 10pm. Please park in the public car park in East Lane which is free. Come and meet other members and enjoy our varied programme of talks. Tea, coffee and biscuits are available at each meeting. You may also join the Group at any of these meetings.
A talk by Roy Woodward, Recorder for the Herts Natural History Society A talk by Trevor Williams of The Fox Project. For more information please go to their website here. Meet in the car park on the north side of the road. We will be having a stall to promote badgers and we will have sales goods available Dr Jenny Jones will be describing how our sett records are used. Come along to buy from a wide range of varieties We will have a stall at the weekly St Albans market Caroline Huxtable from the local rescue centre Wildlife Welfare will be our speaker